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Investment promotion

IMG’s Investment Promotion projects include analyzing the investment environment in developing countries, strengthening the management structure and capacity of investment promotion agencies, and developing investment promotion strategies and tools.

Etude pour la collect et la confirmation d'infomations sur le developpment de l'Agropole nord

(Apr. 2021- Feb. 2022)

The Senegalese government planned to establish three agro-processing centers (agropoles) in the northern, central, and southern regions of the country to increase the added value of agricultural products and reduce the dependence on imports. A feasibility study was in the process of preparation for the northern agropole (Louga, Matam, and Saint Louis) to promote agribusinesses through private investment which will contribute to the revitalization of the local economy and agricultural development. A consortium including IMG was commissioned by JICA to review the feasibility study and investigate the possibility of structuring projects for an ODA loan and/or Private Sector Investments Finance, including co-financing with the African Development Bank.

Development of Agricultural Investment Models in Mozambique 

(Jun. 2012 - May 2013)

JICA is implementing a project titled “Support for the Agricultural Development Master Plan of Nacala Corridor,” which targets poverty reduction of small-scale farmers, food security, and agricultural development through private investment in northern Mozambique. As a part of the project, IMG is engaged in establishing agricultural investment models which contribute to agricultural and regional development, as well as poverty reduction.

Advisory Services Provided to the Zambia Investment Promotion Project

 (May 2011 - Jul. 2012)

The Zambia Development Agency (ZDA), established in 2007 as an investment promotion organization, lacked the capacity to effectively promote investment. Under contract with JICA, IMG sent an investment promotion expert, who developed and improved sub-sector profiles, established a monitoring system of investment projects, improved the ZDA’s organizational and managerial structures (including the development of an investment promotion tool kit), and improved the application procedures of licenses, permits, and certificates at relevant ministries and government agencies. 

Institutional Strengthening of Investment Promotion in Cambodia

(Feb. 2009 - Jun. 2010)

For the promotion of mid- and long-term investment in Cambodia, JICA implemented the project titled “Study on the Institutional Strengthening of Investment Promotion.” The appointed consultant team developed a master plan for strengthening the structure of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) while enhancing the CDC’s organizational and human resource capacity. As a part of the project, IMG analyzed the CDC’s organizational structures and operational procedures, proposing improvements. In addition to this, IMG also raised officers’ awareness of a customer-oriented approach, and developed investment promotion tools (including the “Cambodia Investment Guidebook” and the “Investment Procedure Manual)”.

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