Improvement of Organizational Management / Institution Building
IMG’s Improvement of Organizational Management / Institution Building projects include strengthening the management structure and capacity of central / local governments and public agencies in developing countries, promoting decentralization, improving local government’s finances, and establishing and improving institutional structures for promoting capacity development and decentralization.
Advisory Service in Organizational Management to CJCC in Cambodia
(Jun. - Nov. 2009)
Since 2004, JICA has been implementing human resource development courses (business courses), Japanese language courses, and promoting intercultural understanding through the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (CJCC). Under contract with JICA, IMG improved the CJCC’s management capacity through training on planning and decision making.
Study Plan Formulation on Improvement of IRA System in the Philippines
(Dec. 2006 - Mar. 2007)
In the Philippines, the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) system accounts for approximately 60% of local governments’ revenue. The IRA system is criticized for widening the financial disparities among local governments and thus hindering the decentralization process. Under contract with JICA, IMG formulated a study plan for the improvement of the IRA system based on the analysis of the relationship between the current IRA system and financial needs for regional development.
Business Incubation Project
(Mar. 2020 - Mar. 2023)
With its export industry heavily dependent on aluminum and cotton, and the remittances from emigrants exceeding 30% of GDP, the Tajik economy is highly vulnerable to external factors, especially the Russian economy. To overcome this weakness, the government considers private sector development and employment creation as urgent issues, and is particularly keen to promote SMEs and young entrepreneurs in rural areas. IMG was commissioned by JICA to support the establishment of the “State Institution Business Incubator” which aims at promoting SMEs and fostering entrepreneurship.
Project for improving Organizational Capacity of Technical and Vocational Training Center Senegal-Japan
(Feb. 2017 - Jan. 2022)
Under contract with JICA, IMG supported a technical cooperation project to support an autonomous government agency CFPT in providing vocational and technical training efficiently and effectively. IMG improved CFPT’s management through the introduction of a management information system (MIS), enhanced instructors’ capacity, strengthened its partnerships with the private sector, and established the 5S (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, shitsuke) regime.
Advisory Service on SME & Industrial Development to MTI in Namibia
(Mar. 2011 - Mar. 2013)
The goals of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) are to: (1) develop industry, (2) create employment, and (3) increase people’s incomes through business registration, industry and investment promotion, trade and export promotion, and SME promotion. However, despite the setting of these goals, MTI lacked the adequate organizational and operational structures to plan and implement them. Under contract with JICA, IMG sent an expert in institutional management to MTI who contributed to the effective service delivery of the policies by building organizational and operational structures, and training the Ministry’s officers in effective management and daily operations.