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Rural / Community Development

IMG’s Rural / Community Development projects include planning, implementing and evaluating projects on rural development, natural environment / forest management, and community development.

Public-Private Partnership Project for the Improvement of the Agriculture Product Marketing  in the Republic of Indonesia

(Jan. 2017 - Jun. 2020)

IMG implemented a technical cooperation project in Indonesia. The project aimed to establish efficient agricultural product supply chains through the establishment of trade networks between modern markets (high-end supermarkets, convenience stores, food-service industry, food processing industry, etc.) and reliable producers who have certain agricultural production skills.

Public-Private-Partnership Project for the Improvement of the Agriculture Product Marketing and Distribution System Phase 2 in the Republic of Indonesia

(Jun. 2021 - Jun. 2025)

To further accelerate the establishment of effective supply chains that Project Phase 1 worked on, Phase 2 promotes the partnership between target farmer groups (FGs) and advanced FGs that have sales channels to modern markets. As a part of it, the Project is supporting target FGs in preparing and implementing agricultural business plans from production to marketing and in collaborating with other value chain stakeholders, which will facilitate the target farmers’ access to better markets and hence increase and stabilize their agricultural income.

Project for Domestic Rice Production and Sales Promotion in Lower Guinea in the Republic of Guinea

 (Jun. 2021 - May. 2025)

Rice is one of the most important agricultural crops for Guinea. The Project aims to promote the production and distribution of domestic rice in the Boke Region by i) improving the productivity and quality of rice of target farmer cooperatives in the region and ii) improving capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture to promote domestic rice.

Introduction of Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion (SHEP) approach as an innovative agricultural extension model

 (Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2025)

JICA has been disseminating the SHEP approach that raises farmers’ and relevant actors’ motivation to produce and distribute what is demanded by the market. This market-oriented approach puts emphasis not only on improving agricultural technologies but also on nurturing farmers’ business mindset so that they will establish marketing strategies based on their own assessment on their capabilities and market circumstances. Contracted by JICA, IMG has verified the progress, achievements and challenges in each of the countries where the SHEP approach has been introduced, through which lessons are extracted and recommendations are made.

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